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Mono Junction
Take the Lead
Presented in partnership with Sonicstate, the Mono Junction allows you to create searing leads, cutting basses and resonant sequences. The Mono Junction can take your tone into new sonic territories. Featuring a novel NegSawPW waveshape, extended pulse width modulation sounds are easily created. Two saw waves are offset one by half cycle and subtracted from each other. This results in PWM style sounds not possible with conventional means via phase shift and frequency ratio controls. These allow you to create extreme PWM and detuned sounds.

One oscillator featuring five waveshapes: saw, pulse, negSawPW, triangle and sine
Extended pulse width modulation via negsawPW waveshape with phase shift and frequency ratio controls
Pulse width for pulse waveshape
Shape Your Tone
The Mono Junction features a state variable filter with a myriad of controls. Using filtering, you can remove frequencies fed from the raw harmonics of the oscillator in a technique akin to sculpture. The filter has controls that allow for a myriad of timbre shaping possibilities.

Resonant state variable filter with eight responses
Modelled on classic hardware
TB303: Diode 18dB lowpass
Mini Moog Model D: Transistor 24db lowpass
Lowpass, highpass and bandpass at 12dB and 24dB
Filter key tracking
Modulation via dedicated LFO or Envelope
Comprehensive Modulations
The Mono Junction features a modulation section. Here a myriad of sonic timbres can be created. This section allows for a variety of modulations options to enhance your synthesis explorations. Each section is accessible via a series of editor tabs.

Three multi function LFOs with rate (sync or Hz – up to 16 bars or up into audio rate at 30Hz), jitter,smoothing, offset, re-trigger and waveshape
Three four stage ADSR envelopes with time constraints of up to 15 seconds
Envelope one hard wired to amplifier for amplifier contour
Envelope two hardwired to pulse waveshape for pulse width modulation
Envelope three hardwired to state variable filter cutoff frequency for timbre modulation
LFO one hardwired to oscillator pitch for timbre modulation
LFO two hardwired to pulse waveshape for pulse width modulation
LFO three hardwired to state variable filter cutoff frequency for timbre modulation
Bipolar or unipolar operation for all LFOs
Colour Your Sound
Slide control to provide portamento
Performance modes with retrigger, legato, last step with last, high and low note priority
Scope to visualise frequency or time domain output
Limiter to control dynamic content
Cohesive integration with Ableton’s Push
Powerful Voice Architecture
The combination of five user selectable waveshapes via the oscillator, a fully configurable state variable filter and hardwired modulations via three LFOs and thee Envelopes provide a very playable synth.

Check out the System Requirements
The Mono Junctions is a Max for Live device and therefore a version of both Ableton Live and Max For Live is needed. It is recommended that Ableton Live version 9.6.1 and above is used, on Macintosh and PC. An installation of Max version 7.2.3 is required but a full license of Max is not needed to use the Mono Junction. You will need approximately 4MB of free hard disk space. The Mono Junction is a light device, and usage count may vary depending on how the synthesiser is configured.
Audio Demos
Below are demos of factory patches from Meta Function’s Max For Live Instrument – The Mono Junction. All sounds are one patch and feature the use of the state variable filter network, the modulation possibilities and automation within Live. There is no additional processing – all sounds are straight out of the Mono Junction. Please listen on decent monitors for the best experience.
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